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Friends huddling up together around a small smartphone or tablet is a thing of the past ever since Google launched Chromecast. Now everyone can enjoy 4K Ultra quality videos of cats on a TV. Chromecast newcomers and veterans alike can sit down and relax as we quickly review our personal picks for 10, but actually 11, of the most amazing Chromecast Apps for Android.
A Mention-worthy Chromecast App For Android
Chrome Browser
Google’s very own browser has had the ability to Chromecast from almost the very start. Even starting out, Chromecasting with the app has had very few user issues. Over the course of time, the bugs got sorted out and left behind an app which can easily and neatly cast any page displayed by the browser app.
Many users already use Chrome on Android. No matter what other additional Chromecasting apps they use, Chrome is always a welcome addition to the fold. Several advanced setting in Chrome may prove the increase user satisfaction and improve the experience altogether.
- Pricing: Free
- Google Play Store: Download
Audio Chromecast Apps For Android
Google Play Music
Google loves to integrate apps and form a new, complex, and awesome whole. It comes as no surprise to users looking for a speedy and accessible way to Chromecast music that Google’s own Play Music app is one possible solution. Through Google Play Music, users can upload tens of thousands of songs to Google’s servers and then stream them over a multitude of devices.
Apart from this, users who subscribe to the service will have access to Google’s entire music database. Lastly, the stand-alone app in itself is an outstanding music player.
- Pricing: Free App; $10 monthly subscription
- Google Play Store: Download
When a service never falls out of popularity and still continues to improve itself whenever possible, the world gets apps like Pandora. Most of us have probably already used Pandora at one time or another. The developers worked hard to ensure that their service is properly compatible with almost every bit of software and hardware they could find.
Pandora Chromecasting is just as easy and intuitive as it is on Google’s own apps. Connectivity, accessibility, support, and the audio quality are all top notch with Pandora’s app.
- Pricing: Free
- Google Play Store: Download
Spotify is another popular user choice due to how accessible, quick, and huge it is. Although they were the last to jump on the Chromecast wagon, the service does work, albeit they should work out the few remaining quirks.
When it comes to quality and quantity, it is up to the users to decide if they prefer using Spotify or Google Play Music. Pandora has a much more limited song database.
- Pricing: Free App; $10 monthly subscription
- Google Play Store: Download
Video Chromecast Apps For Android
Google Play Movies and TV
The Google Chromecast Apps for Android are generally well designed but we were genuinely surprised to see how smooth and streamlined the Play Movies and TV app is. All in all, Google managed to squeeze in a lot of visual information while keeping it surprisingly easy to view.
The only real downside is that free or promotional content is limited and there is no form of a general monthly subscription service. Users are usually required to buy or rent any shows and/or films they are interested in.
- Pricing: Free App; In-App Acquisitions Required
- Google Play Store: Download
The Tech Exploring team greatly enjoys TED Talks and the TED Android app comes with built-in Chromecast support. While TED Talks may not be as entertaining to the general public as many popular series or movies, there are several interesting talks that can really get the gears moving.
While a service like Google Play Movies and TV is amazing due to how well it runs and due to the general popular content, TED is amazing due to its content alone.
- Pricing: Free
- Google Play Store: Download
When Chromecast initially launched Netflix was part of the vanguard, the very first few to meet it head on. According to several statistics, many users get Chromecast for Netflix alone. The app has seen updates constantly allowing it to keep up with the times. Needless to say, when it comes to Chromecasting movies and shows, Netflix continues to stay amazing.
The app itself does not use all of its spacing as smart as Google’s does but if that is the only negative aspect we could realistically find then the Netflix app will not be disappointing users anytime soon.
- Pricing: Free App; $9 monthly subscription
- Google Play Store: Download
Gaming Chromecast App for Android
We are shining the spotlight on gaming because e-sports have been an ever growing trend in the US with increasing booms starting 2011. Twitch is currently the most popular and appreciated go-to service when it comes to streaming games or watching streams. The service is reliable and is ultimately free unless viewers want to support streamers.
When it comes to Chromecast, Twitch does not really have any flaws. Stream quality from the service itself is excellent and lower audio and video qualities generally come from the original streamer themselves.
- Pricing: Free
- Google Play Store: Download
The Best Chromecast Apps For Android
Google Cast
While other apps made the list because they had access to great media and means to smoothly Chromecast it in ultra high quality, Google Cast is on this list because it is in itself the tool which can help users organize and manage all their other Chromecasting apps.
Google Cast’s growth and expansion into the app it currently is today shows the dedication Google developers are willing to go to so that we can have the best possible user experience. We strongly recommend all Chromecast users to install and give Google Cast a try if they have yet to do so.
- Pricing: Free
- Google Play Store: Download
Plex is another name associated with the Chromecast vanguard. As Chromecast grew in popularity, so did Plex. The app originally allowed users to turn their PC into a remote homebound server, enabling the possibility of casting a static screen, any audio, or video to any smart device connected to the wireless network.
When Chromecast came along, all Plex did was to make sure that the casting did not lose any quality while jumping from the PC to the Android device to the TV. The app remains one of the best at what it does. A monthly subscription adds more content to be streamed.
- Pricing: Free App; $4 monthly subscription
- Google Play Store: Download
As the last app to be reviewed, AllCast is in no way the absolute best Chromecast app for Android. The Tech Exploring team does rate it as one of the best due to its minimalistic and lightweight behavior, as well as the quality of transfer.
While Google Cast also manages other apps, AllCast is a lot simpler in its design – it just casts anything and everything users choose. We were quite happy with AllCast. We do advise users to try out the free version before they buy, however, as opinions can always vary.
- Pricing: $5; free version available
- Google Play Store: Download
And thus concludes our quick review of 10, but actually 11, amazing Chromecast Apps for Android. Is there an app we missed that you think should have made the list? Let us know in the comment section below.
All images and sources belong to their respective companies.