How to Unhide Apps on iPhone

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Beginning with the release of iOS 10, Apple allows iPhone users to hide default applications that come pre-loaded on their device. These include the Stocks, Mail, Podcasts, and Maps apps. This article will describe how to unhide apps on iPhone devices, in case you have removed them and want to reverse that process.

How to Unhide Apps on iPhone

Follow the steps below to locate a hidden iPhone application and unhide it on your device.

Step 1: Press the home button at the bottom of your iPhone to go to the main homescreen.
Step 2: Locate the “App Store” icon, and tap on it to launch the iOS App Store tool.
Step 3: Go to the “Search” tab in the lower-right corner of the screen.
Step 4: Enter the exact name of the default application that you want to restore to your iPhone. As you begin typing in the “Search” field, the App Store will automatically display common search results underneath your query.
Step 5: Click the “Search” button in the lower-right corner of the on-screen keyboard. A list of matching search results will be displayed on the screen.
Step 6: Scroll through the list of search results until you find the correct application that you want to unhide. When you tap on the icon of an app, “Apple” should be displayed as the registered developer for default iPhone apps.
Step 7: Click the cloud button on the right side of the screen to restore the application’s data to your iPhone, and unhide it from your homescreen.

Refer to this Apple Support page for the complete list of default iPhone applications that can be hidden and unhidden on your device. Be sure to enter the complete name of the application when searching for it in the iOS App Store. Note that in most cases, stored data will be preserved for an application when you hide it on your iPhone. Share your questions and comments on the matter down below.

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