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How to Turn off Private Browsing on iPad

The native iPad browser, Safari, has many great features. It makes your life easier by auto-filling information, recording browser search history, and keeping track of the pages you visit. However,...

How to Turn on Airdrop

How do you transfer files from one iPhone to another, or sync with your Mac without connecting your iPhone to it via cable? Simple: you use Airdrop. Airdrop is a direct file sharing service developed...

How to Change Your Name on SoundCloud

It is easy to personalize your SoundCloud account, change your SoundCloud name on your phone or computer, and, if you wish, your profile URL as well. This guide shows you how to change your name on...

How to Change IMEI Number on iPhone

Your iPhone has a unique identification code that is about 17 digits long. The International Mobile Equipment Identity number, popularly known as IMEI, is a major security tool on your phone. Though...

How to Turn Off Assistive Touch

Assistive Touch is a smartphone feature designed to help impaired individuals perform actions with a single tap. Assistive Touch was first implemented by Apple on the iPhone and iPad, and it is now...