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When making the transition to a Mac computer, there are some things that you have to get used to. One change is that the mouse no longer has two buttons, which seems to take away the right click functions. Fortunately, there are steps to help you learn how to right click on a Mac. For those that are familiar only with a two-button mouse, this article provides steps on how to right click on a Mac.
How to Right Click on a Mac with a Mac Mouse
If you would like to have right click on a Mac with your mouse, follow these steps:
Step 1 – Open up the Settings folder, or search for Settings in the search browser.
Step 2 – Once the Settings folder is open, click on the button that says Mouse. This will give you the option of changing several different mouse controls.
Step 3 – You should be sent to the “Point and Click” menu under the Mouse window. Once there, check the box that says Secondary Click.
Step 4 – Once you have checked the Secondary Click box, use the drop down menu to choose “Click on the Right Side.”
How do You Right Click on a Mac – Other Ways
If you want to use the mouse to right click, there are other easy ways to do this without changing the mouse settings.
Option 1 – If you would like to use right click functions, simply hold down the Control button on the keyboard and click with your mouse. The right click function will open immediately.
Option 2 – You can also use the trackpad on a laptop to right click. Most laptops today are built with right click functionality, which only requires you to click the trackpad with two different fingers at the same time.
Option 3 – You can also use the trackpad and receive the same functionality. Simply click the bottom left hand corner of the trackpad.
Option 4 – Those with newer Mac models may have the Force Touch trackpad. If you have this, you can press down harder with two fingers to receive the right-click menu.
In conclusion, there are several ways to right click on a Mac. You can change the settings in the “Point and Click” menu, or you can hold down the Control button on the keyboard, and click with your mouse. Another way is to click the trackpad with two fingers at the same time, or click the bottom left hand corner of the trackpad.