How to Authorize a Computer on iTunes

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Apple has made numerous strides for improving their product security for users. One of the additional services they provide to Apple iTunes users is the ability to authorize desktop computers or laptops to access their personal iTunes accounts. Knowing how to authorize a computer on iTunes will ensure you are able to browse freely, without worrying about security warnings or prevented access. Following these simple steps on how to authorize computer for iTunes will get your browsing your Apple store quickly right from your computer.

How to Authorize a Computer on iTunes (7 Steps)

Step 1: Load your computer desktop. Creating an iTunes shortcut on your desktop will ensure easy access now and in the future. Generally, once you download iTunes on your computer, an icon is automatically created for future use.

Step 2: Locate the iTunes icon on your desktop. Whether you are using a laptop or a desktop computer, the icon will be identical to the logo icon used in the iTunes program on your mobile device. Once you locate the icon, open the iTunes program by double-clicking the desktop icon. This will load the iTunes browser, providing numerous options.

Step 3: Sign into your Apple account. You will need to type your Apple ID and password. This will be the same information you use to access your Apple account from your mobile device.

Step 4: View all the icons at the top of the iTunes browser. Select the “Accounts” tab at the top and hover over it with your mouse. This will prompt an options menu to load on your screen.

Step 5: Select the “Authorizations” option from the menu by scrolling down with your mouse and hovering over the word. This will highlight the text and cause another menu to load directly to the right, in the middle of the screen.

Step 6: Select the “Authorize this Computer” option by scrolling over with your mouse and clicking on the words once highlighted in blue. This will cause a popup to load in the middle of your monitor.

Step 7: The popup will load, prompting you to type in your Apple ID password again. Type in your password and click the “Enter” key on your keyboard or click the “Authorize” button. This will save the computer and eliminate the need for requesting authorization again in the future.


Knowing how to authorize a computer on iTunes will save a lot of hassle and time in the future. You can use the same authorization process on each computer you use. This will save each device on  your iTunes account and prevent any security breaches from happening. Once you know how to authorize a computer on iTunes, you can follow the previous steps to remove authorized computers or view previously authorized computers. Apple recommends viewing devices routinely to ensure there are no unauthorized computers accessing your account information.

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